
Real Story真故事08-Keep hope alive希望仍在

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 05:53

老师微信:85374510;The spirit of our society is being tested, through endless work, chores and difficulties. It’s getting harder to find the very real soul in ourselves, let’s find a moment for ourselves, quiet and comfortable, this is Real Story, we are on. 社会价值经受着时代的考验,人们面对无尽的工作,闲杂和困难。复杂的社会让人们很难探寻真实的自己,让我们寻找给自己安静而舒适的那一时刻。这里是真故事,开始吧。。。

James Stockdale was a vice admiral of American Navy and also the highest ranking American official as a prisoner of war in Vietnam in 1965. On September 9th 1965, James’ plane was shot down in Vietnam and he was thrown into the prison camp. During the prison time, he tried to encourage the other American prisoners to stay alive and keep their beliefs, by tapping on the walls to communicate with them. He was kept as a prisoner of war for 7 and a half years, until he got home in 1973, losing 30 pounds. James stayed in the Navy until he retired in 1979 and became a candidate for vice president of the US. in 1992, though he lost.

During the 7 and a half years in the camp of Vietnam, his family suffered an unbelievable and painful waiting. His wife decided not to buy any new clothes on the day he was missing, until James came home. They had no idea whether he was missing or dead, what they could do was not to go crazy waiting for his coming back. They were told they had better believe James was dead, and amazingly, almost 8 years later, James came home to his sons and wife. His son talks about all those years they were waiting for him.

~~~~~~~~~his son’s voice~~~~~~

~~~~That’s James’ son’s voice talking about his father.~~~

When asked about how he could get out of the prison alive, he said he always had the strong hope that he would get out and see his family again. James passed away in 2005.


words today:

ranking   n.社会地位,社会阶层; 顺序;

Navy      n. 海军;

Vietnam    n. 越南;

tap      vt.&n. 轻敲;

communicate  vi.交流;

candidate     n. 候选人;     

prison camp   战俘集中营;


You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank Mars. This podcast is written and made by me, but it will not be made possible without Your support, let me know Your stories. You can subscribe for more stories and leave your comments too. Until next time, thanks for listening. (本文作者Frank老师,转载请注明出处。听取更多“真故事”系列,别忘记点赞和订阅哦~!)~ Written by Frank Mars; Background music: Zee Avi - Just You and Me  



