
Real Story真故事06-People's choices选择

所属专辑: 鬼魅英文
主播: frank老师
最近更新: 2019-06-06时长: 05:57

老师微信:85374510; The spirit of our society is being tested, through endless work, chores and difficulties. It’s getting harder to find the very real soul in ourselves, let’s find a moment for ourselves, quiet and comfortable, this is Real Story, we are on. 社会精神经受着时代的考验,人们面对无尽的工作,闲杂和困难。复杂的社会让人们很难探寻真实的自己,让我们寻找给自己安静而舒适的那一时刻。这里是真故事,开始吧。。。

Warning: the following language can be very graphic to listeners under 18.


Her sister killed herself, her mum got a mental disorder, all her family suffered. This is not a movie, but Yolanda’s life has been like one. One early morning when I woke up, as I checked my phone messages, I received our listener Yolanda’s story, which got all my sleepiness gone right away.

Yolanda’s sister killed herself 6 years ago, because she suspected that she was adopted after someone told her, and she really believed it. The person who told her this was probably kidding, but she took it so seriously and from that day on she shouted that she would find her “real parents”. What’s worse was she started to think her parents didn’t love her much, and became hostile to her parents. Her life was like a bad example of problem kids: She dropped out school, got a baby when she was 18.

After Yolanda’s sister passed away, her mum went crazy and couldn’t recognize her family, yelling Yolanda’s sister’s name all day long.



That’s Yolanda’s voice who’s 33 and now lives and works in Kunming city.

I also had a friend who left us forever like Yolanda’s sister, I can always remember his smile and the way he talked. Another friend of mine used to say: “There’s time for everything.” I think there’s time for everything only if life goes on, so we have to move on to enjoy more that life has to offer.

words today:

mental disorder 精神错乱

adopt    vt.收养

kid      n .孩子 vt.开玩笑

suspect   vt.怀疑

You are listening to Real Story, I’m Frank Mars. This podcast is written and made by me, but it will not be made possible without Your support, let me know Your stories. You can subscribe for more stories and leave your comments too. Until next time, thanks for listening.

@@@@ Special thanks for Yolanda for her story. (本文作者Frank老师,特别感谢Yolanda提供故事素材。转载请注明出处。听取更多“真故事”系列,别忘记点赞和订阅哦~!)~ Written by Frank Mars; Background music: Jack Johnson - Do You Remember  
